In buldbul  's collection
Herbert - Dr Gladstone - Barrage sur le Lupopo pl 11 - Comic Strip

Herbert - Dr Gladstone - Barrage sur le Lupopo pl 11

Comic Strip
Detail case
Un jeu d'ombre remarquable


Parue dans Spirou en 66, cette serie a ete crée par Jijé qui l'a laissé ensuite à un de ses assistants Herbert.
La qualité de l'encrage sur cette planche de Herbert me fait penser qu'elle a ete realisée "sous l'oeil scrupuleux du maitre"
- pour reprendre une expression amusante que j'ai vu un jour dans un catalogue de VAE au sujet d'un dessin Studio Hergé :-)

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About Herbert

Herbert Geldhof was an industrial artist, who worked in Africa for several years in the 1950s. He came back to Belgium in 1956 and began an association with the art agency of Georges Troisfontaines. He was present in the comics magazine Spirou between 1959 and 1971. He started out drawing several 'Belles Histoires de l'Oncle Paul' from scenarios by Octave Joly. In 1960 and 1961 he was present in Bonux-Boy, the advertising mini-comic for Bonux washing powder, created by Benoît Gillain. In the early 1960s he created two series. The first was 'Simba Lee' with Charlier and the second 'Diégo' with Charles Jadoul. Both series lasted for only two episodes, but in 1964, his third (and final) comics project started, in which he could use his knowledge of Africa. Together with his tutor Jijé and scenarist Jadoul, Herbert made the series 'Docteur Gladstone'. For this series about a doctor in Africa, Jijé drew the white characters and Herbert the black characters and the backgrounds. After two episodes, Jijé left the team, and Herbert continued the artwork of the series for another four episodes, until the series ended in 1971. He retired from comics in 1980 and focused on painting and sculpting. Text (c) Lambiek